Snap Core First
Snap Core First
Gateway is an AAC language strategy created by Joan Bruno focused on core words. It offers pages designed for different stages of language development. A related set of themed pages match leisure, educational and recurring conversational needs.
The Snap Gateway page set contains communication tools that enable learners to communicate efficiently, with a clear growth path.
A set of pages with a high frequency of core and fringe words, designed to make it easier for children to create multi-word messages. Home and School Core pages link seamlessly to relevant vocabulary. Related theme pages provide activities to promote communication in educational and social settings.
A set of pages designed for people who can create multi-word messages but struggle with word order and word endings. Home and School/Community Core pages link seamlessly to relevant vocabulary, encouraging more spontaneous communication. Related theme pages promote communication across a range of leisure and community-based activities.
A set of pages designed for children acquiring language who are just learning to combine symbols to form multi-word messages. It also offers options for those who are learning to form more complex sentences. Home and School Core pages link seamlessly to relevant vocabulary. Related theme pages support language development in school, play and social activities.
A set of pages designed as a next step for children using the Child Language and Literacy page set, who now require a deeper and more efficient level of message creation to meet their needs. Related theme pages support communication in recurring environments and activities.
A set of pages designed for teens and adults with advanced literacy skills, looking for a highly efficient text-based core vocabulary page set. It replicates the Advanced Communicator page set in text format instead of pictures. Vocabulary is organised alphabetically for more efficient retrieval.
A page set designed for those who prefer to spell with word prediction as their primary mode of communication. It contains the alphabet, folders to access core and fringe vocabulary and access to a high frequency of core word vocabulary.
A page set designed for literate individuals who use scanning as their access method and prefer word prediction-enabled spelling combined with a rich core vocabulary to communicate. This page set also offers access to a wide range of fringe words that may not be accessible via word prediction.