Success stories

Success stories

Get inspired

Introducing some amazing people who’ve succeeded at using AAC and assistive technology to live richer, fuller lives.

Young boy with Autism playing with his SLP in a room

Kris’s story

Meet a young boy with Williams syndrome & autism who uses music to build communication skills.

A man with ALS using a speech device to talk to his wife.

Ragnar’s story

Get to know a TV producer with MND who uses AAC to express his creativity and humour.

A woman with black glasses smiling in a power chair. 

Desi’s story

Get to know a nightlife-loving city girl turned warrior in the fight against MND.

A man in a wheelchair smiling in front of a communication device.

Allistair’s story

Get to know a physician, husband & father with MND who uses AAC to share his knowledge with his family and community.

Marco Schulz ising his TD I-Series at home

Marco’s story

Get to know a loving father who has turned his fight with ALS into an opportunity to build a legacy as a storyteller.

A young boy with autism using Tobii Dynavox AAC app and TD I-110 speech generating device at the playground

Brock’s story

Get to know a bright young boy with autism who has lots of energy and so much to say.

Young girl with her family using Tobii Dynavox assistive technology to communicate

Ava’s story

Introducing a young, vibrant girl with Rett syndrome, who with the help of her family is on a path towards literacy.

Young woman using Tobii Dynavox I-Series to communicate, using only her eyes

Becky’s story

Introducing Becky, an avid gamer, student, social media enthusiast, advocate and theater lover with cerebral palsy.

Woman using Tobii Dynavox eye tracking device to communicate, using only her eyes

Lucie’s story

Introducing a dynamic computer scientist with cerebral palsy, who never gives up advocating for her right to be included in society.