Time invested in quality training is always well spent. Discover our Learning Hub and grow your knowledge and skills at your own pace - whether you’re a parent, caregiver, therapist, educator or augmented communicator yourself.
Time invested in quality training is always well spent. Discover our Learning Hub and grow your knowledge and skills at your own pace - whether you’re a parent, caregiver, therapist, educator or augmented communicator yourself.
Learn at your own pace with our free, 24/7, online training resources including eLearning courses, recorded webinars, videos, interviews, quick guides and more. Our resources are designed by subject matter experts and are available to anyone interested in getting the most from our products, and learning about augmentative communication strategies.
Tobii Dynavox Single Sign On (SSO) is the most efficient way to register. Simply log in to the Learning Hub via your existing SSO account if you already have one or create a new account.
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