TD Snap

TD Snap

What is TD Snap Scanning?

TD Snap Scanning is based on Core First and designed for people who use scanning as their primary access method. It is organised into set groups for more efficient scan patterns.

TD Snap Tools

Key features

The TD Snap Scanning Page Set contains features that enable those who use scanning to communicate with a clear growth path, with new features continuously added by popular request, such as:

TD Snap Scanning Page Set group scanning screenshot

Pre-made group scanning

Scan more efficiently with groupings of pre-made content, which can be edited as needed. Auditory cues are available and can be customised for each grouping.

Auditory feedback

Customise all buttons and groups and use them more consistently for auditory cueing and feedback, an important feature for those with vision or attention issues.

TD Snap Scanning Page Set auditory feedback screenshot

TD Snap Scanning Page Set additional switch and scanning screenshot

Additional switch & scanning

Improve attention and accuracy of the scan on feedback settings like zoom, highlighting, and selection sound. Timing settings, behaviours and patterns can improve efficiency with scanning.

Scanning-specific content

Stay true to the Core First language system with content adjusted to best fit a scanner’s needs. In Topics, each intent has its own scanning group and Word Lists are arranged by frequency of use. Enjoy scroll-free navigation with the tool bar.

TD Snap Scanning Page Set group scanning screenshot


In addition to a powerful set of included tools, TD Snap Scanning contains the following unique set of resources:


A set of expert-led events and self-guided learning to deepen your knowledge as a professional, parent or caregiver.