Design an intervention plan for those using augmentative and alternative communication with DAGG-3, short for Dynamic AAC Goals Grid (edition 3). This tool helps speech-language therapists collaborate with their patients’ support team (such as educators and family members) to assess and progress their current communication abilities. It then guides SLTs in choosing and tracking appropriate AAC goals. DAGG-3 can be used for all ability levels – from early learners to more advanced communicators. Each goal includes a related activity, in addition to a clear path for improving communication skills. DAGG-3 is available free of charge.

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What is DAGG-3?

A free assessment tool to help professionals develop and progress through AAC goals for communicators of all ability levels.

Speech-Language Therapist assessing a young communicator in need of AAC

Why use it?

DAGG-3, short for Dynamic AAC Goals Grid (edition 3), is a tool designed for speech-language therapists to assess a patient’s current communicative abilities, then develop a set of goals to help them improve their communication skills and track progress.

What is included?

DAGG-3 consists of a set of step-by-step instructions to help professionals understand and use the tool, in addition to the assessment tool itself, which can be filled in online or downloaded to print. Each DAGG-3 goal offers a corresponding activity to help a learner grow their communication skills.

Young girl being assessed for AAC needs by her SLT

 Group of AAC professionals discussing assessment tools.

How do I use it?

DAGG-3 provides detailed descriptions of all ability levels to help SLTs collaborate with a support team in deciding which goals fit the communicator best. Based on those ability levels, there are recommended goals for each competency area to help improve communication independence.

What resources are included with DAGG-3?

The Dynamic AAC Goals Grid is a comprehensive assessment tool for SLTs that comes with step-by-step guidance and progress tracking.

Speech therapist working with kids during an AAC goal-setting assessment using DAGG-3.

Instruction guide

DAGG-3 comes with a comprehensive set of step-by-step instructions to show SLTs how to: identify a communicator’s ability level, review goals, identify competencies, determine support for each goal, identify implementation and teaching techniques and fill out planning and progress reports and summaries.

Assessment and planning tool

DAGG-3 consists of an assessment grid to help measure linguistic, operational, social, and strategic communication competency. It also includes an implementation chart for planning and measuring goals progress, plus a progress summary.

Two AAC professionals discussing the Tobii Dynavox DAGG-3 assessment and planning tool

Special education teacher working a learner to practice a DAGG-3 activity

Related activities

Each linguistic, operational, social, and strategic communication goal comes with a related practice activity to help SLTs plan and track learners’ skills at every level of communication.