Why isn't the iPad charging inside the Navio?

September 10, 2024

If the iPad inside the Navio is not charging, please check for these...

  • When Navio is plugged in, does the battery symbol on the iPad show a lightning bolt through it?  
  • Check the audio output:
    1. Open the Control Center by swiping down from the top right corner of the iPad.  
    2. Select the speaker output symbol from the box in the upper right corner (The box probably says Not Playing)  Do not choose the box... choose the speaker symbol inside the box.
    3. Inside the expanded box, make sure there is an option TD Navio.
If the answers to the two points above are "no" and "TD Navio is missing", then please continue to resolve the issue.
  1. Disconnect the charger from the TD Navio.
  2. Shut down the iPad by going into the Settings app, choose General from the left column, and choose Shut Down from the right column.  On the next screen, slide the shut down.
  3. Once the display goes black, wait 30 seconds.
  4. Turn the device back on by holding in the power button until the Apple appears on the display.
  5. Connect the charger.
The Navio should be powered on and you should notice the iPad battery charging.  If the device has already run out of power, or if the steps above were not helpful, please contact technical support.