How do I Add a Message Window to a Page in Compass?
You can add a message window to any page.
1. Select the Settings button on the Toolbar.
2. Choose Page Browser. Then choose the page you wish to edit and choose Editor.
3. Select anywhere on the background of the page. It will outline in red.
3. Select anywhere on the background of the page. It will outline in red.
4. Select the Properties button at the top left corner of the page.
The Page Properties panel will open.
5. Select the Layout tab.
6. Select Freeform.
7. Resize the top row of buttons (or all of them on the page) to make room for your message window.
8. Once you have the buttons all resized:
- If you are using version 1 of the software, select the Morebutton in the editing toolbar, and choose Message Window.
- If you are using version 1.2 or above, select Label from the Editing Toolbar. Then select Message Window.
9. Draw your message window by selecting the area on the page where you want the top left corner of the message window and dragging out the message window handle from the top left to the bottom right until it is the size and shape you want.